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Questions to Ask Before You Start Work on a New Garage for Your Home

Adding a new garage to your home is a decision that should never be taken lightly. It is, after all, an addition that will be attached to your home, not to mention, something that may cost you a lot of money. This is why asking yourself these questions before you begin working on or even planning such addition is crucial.

These questions will help you determine what kind of garage is best for your plans. It will also help you figure out what design you should consider, what materials are best for your new garage, and what features these should have. These questions are essential to your plans because these will determine a lot of important factors that will affect the outcome of your garage project.

garage storage ideas

Is it for one car or two? 

Even if you currently have one car, you still need to ask this question. Will you be adding on another car in the future or are you planning on having that extra space for something else? This will also help you determine where to put the garage since the size of a one-car garage is definitely smaller than that of a two-car one.

Is it detached or attached? 

You need to ask this question since it will involve some cutting into the side of your home to attach the new garage. You will, after all, need to have a door leading from your new garage to your home if you are to choose an attached one. An attached garage is also considered a cheaper option if you are considering constructing one from the ground up since you will already have one wall up (the side of your home) and only three to add to the structure.

Which type of garage is better for your budget? 

When you are contemplating whether to go with a constructed garage or a prefab metal garage, what you need to think about is whether or not your plans fit your budget. If a constructed garage is too cost-prohibitive, you should opt for a garage kit. Always keep in mind that when you are building a garage from scratch that the cost involves more than just the materials. It will also involve the cost of construction, which means permits, the people who have to work on it, and even the cost of the design itself.

Do you already have a driveway?  

Some people do not ask this question when they build a garage but it is an important one to ask. How will you get your vehicle from the street to your garage? Do you need to pave part of your property to create a driveway for your vehicle or will you be using alternative materials for this, such as gravel or stones?

How much space do you have for this project?

Whether you are building a garage, putting together a prefab structure, or installing a carport for your vehicle, space matters. You will need enough space for any of these and even more space if you are planning on a structure that can fit more than one vehicle. Survey your property to give yourself an idea as to what kind of garage or structure is best for it. If you need a two-vehicle garage but don’t have space for it, you might want to consider building a one-car garage instead and have a carport placed in your driveway for the second vehicle.

These are just a few of the questions you need to ask yourself when you are planning on having a new garage for your home. If you want a garage that is cost-effective and you can build it quickly, a prefab one by Carports US is your best. We build and design durable metal structures such as custom garages, pre-fab garage kits, poratble carports, and prefab structures ideal for commercial use. Contact us at (844) 557-6375 so we can help you with your garage and prefab structure needs.

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