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Where to Build Your Custom Carport or Garage

When you have a home that does not have a built-in garage, there is no need to despair. You can build your own garage or carport for your vehicle quite easily these days. All you have to do is choose the kind of garage or carport that you want, have it delivered, and you are all set.

There are a few questions you need to ask yourself before you have your custom pre-fab garage or carport delivered. The first question is where it will go. The options you have includes attached beside your home, at the back of the house, detached to the side, or elsewhere on your property.

Custom Carport or Garage

The choice you make for where you will place your new carport or garage is dependent on a number of factors. These include the following:

  • Size of your property

    If you have rather limited space in the back, then a rear-garage is out of the question. The same goes for other options. If you don’t have enough space beside your home, maybe detached and a little to the front of your house will work? You need to survey your home and determine how big your future garage or carport will be before making a decision.

  • Size of your planned garage

    You also need to take into consideration how big your garage will be. If it is a two-car structure or will be bigger than your home, it might not be a good idea to put it in front of your house.

  • Lay of the land

    Aside from property size, you will also need to determine where it is best for you to put your new garage.  You will need to put your garage in an area that allows you to easily access the road. You also need to consider the placement of your garage in relation with your neighbor’s homes. Live on a very busy street? You will also need to consider this when building or adding a garage to your home.

  • Code and zoning restrictions 

    If some construction is required, as is the case with garages and carports that have footings, you will need to look into this. Go to your local planning department and ask about rules and regulations concerning garage or carport construction. Ask for guidelines and if there is a need for permits before anything is built. You will need all of this information and more to be able to design and build a garage that is compliant with your community’s rules.

  • How it relates to your house

    Whether you like it or not, your garage will be considered part of your home. As such, you should put some thought into how it will look in relation to your home. This consideration plays a part not only in the design of your garage but where you put it. If your garage is going to be large, placing it in front or near the front of your property may take away from the look of your home.

  • What you want 

    Do you want a garage merely to give your vehicles a safe place to be in during inclement weather? Or do you want a garage or carport so that you can easily get into your home without having to get soaked when it is raining? What you want from your carport or garage also plays a big part in where you place it. If you want a garage that allows you to get from vehicle to home without getting wet in the rain, then an attached garage is what you need.

In the building and placement of your garage or carport, all of these considerations need to be taken into consideration. Aside from location, you also need to think about how your garage looks. It should complement your home, or at the very least, not look like a box or some alien-looking structure on your property.

Choose the Right Contractor and Garage Company for Your Needs  

Once you have the location for your garage, you can then order the garage you want from Carport US. You can choose from a wide variety of options that include standard, boxed-eave, and vertical roof designs. You will also need to find a contractor who will help you build or install it for you.

If your choice for your property is a prefabricated carport, we also have those in stock for you. Choose from a wide selection of designs and sizes that can fit your every need. You can even customize your garage and carport choice easily online to see how it will look before you place your order.

To find out more about the options you have for high-quality carports and garages, don’t hesitate to contact us at (844) 557-6375.

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